Using the Gate

Some helpful hints!

Several members seem to be experiencing problems with the new gate system. We ask members to please go back and re-read the instructions for its operation.

Please pay close attention to the details. Such as,

  • Remain stopped and do not proceed until the gate has gone through its entire opening cycle (Beacon will be Flashing) and has stopped in the open/up position. The Flashing Beacon will stop at the end of the cycle.
  • Then slowly proceed to the next appropriate FOB reader, to close/ lower the gate. Beacon will be flashing during closing operation.

It is important to remain stopped for the opening or closing cycle to be completed and then to proceed slowly because

  • The system has a 15 second safety delay after the gate is fully open or closed. The delay allows the “Direct Current Polarity” to reverse thus allowing the gate to close or open. Hence, “proceed slowly”.
  • The 15 second delay is cumulative. This means that, if you try to close or open the gate before the 15 second safety delay times out, by swiping your FOB again, the system will read your FOB a second time and add another 15 seconds, which will prevent the polarity from reversing for 30 seconds.

These safeties are built in, in case someone entering and someone leaving swipe their FOBs almost simultaneously. Remember, as per the instructions, the vehicle entering has the “right of way”.

  • The FOB readers will “read” when a FOB is within 4 to 6 inches of the reader. Once the reader “Beeps”, remove your FOB away immediately. If you hold the FOB at the reader for an extended period, the reader will read it more than once and add another 15 seconds to the safety delay. This will happen for each time it reads your FOB.